Posted by: Sandy Steinman | March 7, 2010

Rainy Day at Anza Borrego

Rainy most of the day. Decided to drive south and took S-3.  Along S-3 found Desert Sunflowers and Spanish Needle Grass.  Miniscule Rattlesnake Weed and Inflated Buckwheat were both starting to flower.  Also some reddish Barrel Cactus.

Heading further south took Little Blair road (unpaved) off of S-2.  Lots of Chollas and Agaves and also some Ocotillo.  Phacelia foliage.  No Big Horn Sheep.

Continuing south a Road Runner ran across the road (what else would they do).  Did two stops south of Vallecito Park.  The first a half mile south on the left side of the road by an area closed sign (It is OK to walk into this area) and about two miles south of the park on a very short dirt road on the left to what the map calls Anza Wash.  Plants in bloom in this area included Phacelia, Chuparosa, Desert Wishbone, Coulter’s lyre-fruit, Desert Lavender, and a possible hibiscus.   There were lots of Cactus and Ocotillos, some of each in bloom.

After a late lunch in Julian, it was sleeting.  As we headed north the sleet stopped at lower elevations and the rain stopped by the time we got to Cactus Loop Trail across from the Tamarisk campground at S-3.  Cactus Loop is a steep and rocky one mile loop trail.   There are lots of Chollas, Barrel Cactus, and Ocotillos.  Good photo area as you able to get many perspectives and views.

Went to Henderson road where they are doing a count of Swainson’s Hawks in the evening.  Couldn’t find the counters but there was a very colorful sunset.

Some cactus photos and a sunset from today.  Click on photo to see a larger picture.

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