Posted by: Sandy Steinman | May 22, 2024

Adding Microhabitats is an Easy Way to Make a Difference

from Xerces Society

Wildlife conservation sometimes focuses on the protection of large spaces, far away from our cities and homes, that support many kinds of life. These wilderness areas are very important, but they aren’t the whole story. While big animals, like elk and bison, can only thrive in large spaces, bugs are pretty tiny! Any of us with even a tiny postage stamp of a yard—or just a deck or balcony—can create a vital part of the habitat bugs need to flourish. And if each of us—you, your neighbor, your friend down the block—takes a step, that adds up to a lot.

As you consider what you can do, remember that you don’t have to do it all in one go. Look at your yard and see what’s possible to do this year. Then decide what you might do next year.

Every small change you make will make your yard better, and will pay off when you see more beautiful wildlife around you. Together, we can reweave the fabric of our environment.

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