Posted by: Sandy Steinman | November 12, 2014

Yosemite Fall Color 11/11/12

California Fall Color  has a new report on Yosemite. It echos some of what was in yesterday’s posting about Michael Frye’s observations Yosemite Fall Color 10/21/14  Below are some highlights. See photos an number of Yosemite fall color photos  at  Yosemites fall color is now peaking – GO NOW

the leaves were showering the valley floor as they departed (note to self: recruit more spotters to check out Yosemite Valley in late October each year), though he imagines the color will continue for another week and will probably be near past peak by Thanksgiving Day.

young aspen, dogwood and oaks now paint the hillside with yellow, rose and orange fall color.  Given the present beauty of this area, it should improve to being one of the most spectacular displays of fall color in the national park in coming years.

Yosemite National Park Peak 75-100% – All areas in the national park are at peak or past peak. Yosemite Valley and Wawona have a week, perhaps two depending on wind of peak color left to go.  GO NOW!


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