Posted by: Sandy Steinman | May 5, 2013

Texas Hill Country Wildflowers 5/4/13

Gary Regner Photography has the following new wildflower bloom report for Texas Hill Country

Bluebonnets are long gone in the Hill Country, but blues have been replaced with yellows, golds, reds and whites. Now in bloom in order of abundance are: wooly-white, greenthread, firewheels, Engelmann daisies, bitterweed, verbena, yellow primrose, mealy sage, pink evening primrose, prickly pear cacti and wild onions. Coreopsis has yet to bloom, but there are significant number of plants. The area I traveled is not a “banner year” but there are still some significant displays along the roads and in the fields/pastures.

Hwy 29 between Liberty Hill and Llano – roadsides lined with wooly-white, greanthread, Engelmann daisies, firewheels, yellow primrose. Many fields/pastures of wildflowers as well.

Inks Lake State Park – lots of bitterweed, also firewheels, wild onion, yellow primrose. Prickly pear cacti beginning to bloom, a few lace cacti still blooming

See all of this reports at:Texas Wildflower and Bluebonnet Sightings Report : Texas Wildflower Hot Spots and Pictures by Gary Regner Photography.

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